Phone number

(+48) 59 83 42 288


Człuchów, Poland

Steel structures manufactured by us

We are a modern company engaged in the production of steel structures for the global market. With our extensive experience in the industry, we specialize in the prefabrication of steel components for industrial halls, storage tanks, logistics and transportation equipment, as well as industrial machinery.
The structures produced in our facility are created in accordance with the documentation and technical solutions provided by the client. Our history is built on delivering solutions that meet the expectations of the most demanding clients worldwide. We have a modern machinery park and a team of highly qualified specialists with the necessary licenses and certifications.
Our production capabilities enable us to deliver products of the highest quality, and our commitment to developing collaborative relationships with clients is the cornerstone of our business.
Silos-Tanks-Pallets-Platforms-Halls-Conveyors-Transport Equipment


Production in accordance with the EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 standard.